Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thankfully, Alex had an easier day today. He had neuro-psych testing in the morning, and an echocardiogram of his heart in the afternoon. He also managed to collect the beads he earned yesterday for all he went through then! It was awful, 4 straight hours of vision testing and photos and then no break--he was whisked away to surgery.

The Family-Life Specialist (aka "the bead lady" or Miss Laura) was also giving out tickets to all the kids for baseball games, so we got a pair of Minnesota Twins tickets for this Sunday! They are playing the Detroit Tigers. It will be his first Major League Baseball game and he is so excited. Our seats are right behind home plate.

We actually get 3 days in a row with no appointments--which we didn't even have in Virginia before we left! We are so looking forward to them and definitely going to enjoy the time together. Wish Mike and Zach could be here with us, then it would be perfect.

Mike is fighting a bad virus of some sort, he's on antibiotics and yet seems to be getting worse. He hasn't been this sick in a long time, and Zach has been a real trooper hanging out in the house taking care of a sick Daddy this week. That's alot for a 12 year old. I miss them both very, very much and wish I had them here so I could take care of all my guys together. :)

Getting ready to start #5 of 6 IV infusions he gets for today, thanks again so much for all the prayers and well wishes!! They mean so much to us!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there sweetie. You are all in my prayers. Your family is simply beautiful & your boys are truly blessed to have you as their mother. Not every child is surrounded by such a wonderful example of faith, strength, and love. You are a blessing to every life you touch. Thank you for touching mine.
