Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today Alex was faced with a barrage of tests that truly tested his endurance, and he was pretty much pushed to the limit.

On top of it all, his 2nd catheter was found to be incorrectly placed (by about 5 inches) and had also developed an infection...

this afternoon, he had to go back into surgery for the 3rd time in as many weeks. He had the old catheter removed a different type placed, this time in his arm.

We are naturally upset about these operations, seems like such a lot to put the little guy thru only to find that it's incorrectly placed...I hope at least this time they got it right...

But what a trooper Alex is!!! After having gone thru surgery today and all the tests he had to endure, he still was up for hitting the bouncy house in the basement of the Ronald McDonald House (picture). What an amazing little guy!! Plus, he's very excited that on Friday he has a turn to take care of the house dog, Jerry, and he's looking forward to that responsibility.

Kath is just amazing, she's handling all this with strength and commitment, simply a super mom. I love her with all my heart.

Stay strong, buddy, and don't let the speed bumps knock you off the road!!!


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